November 2009 U.S Temperature Averages 


Use this link to get the graph for each state:  NCDC November Temperature Time Series for Each State

Temperature Highlights - November 2009:  From the National Climatic Data Center
  • The average November temperature of 46.5°F was 4.0°F above the 20th Century average and ranked as the 3rd warmest based on preliminary data.
  • On the regional level, the East North Central region experienced its third warmest November on record. Other regions that were above normal were the Northeast, which had its fourth warmest, and both the Central and West North Central region each had their eighth warmest such period.
  • Much above normal temperature averages dominated statewide.  Delaware experienced its warmest November on record, Wisconsin, and New Jersey its second warmest, and five states had its third warmest such period (Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Iowa and North Dakota), 18 other states that had an average temperature that ranked in the top ten. There was not a single state that averaged below normal temperatures for the month.


Applied Climate Science 
School of Natural Resources