The Seasons

Date and Time of the Start of Each Season

Vernal Equinox Summer Solstice Autumnal Equinox Winter Solstice
Year-Month-Day GMT Year-Month-Day GMT Year-Month-Day GMT Year-Month-Day GMT
2008-03-20 05:58 2008-06-21 00:00 2008-09-22 15:40 2008-12-21 12:02
2009-03-20 11:47 2009-06-21 05:48 2009-09-22 21:29 2009-12-21 17:51
2010-03-20 17:36 2010-06-21 11:36 2010-09-23 03:17 2010-12-21 23:41
2011-03-20 23:25 2011-06-21 17:24 2011-09-23 09:06 2011-12-22 05:30
2012-03-20 05:14 2012-06-20 23:12 2012-09-22 14:54 2012-12-21 11:20

GMT =Greenwich Meridian Time.  Lincoln is GMT - 6 hours when using Standard Time and -5 hours when using Daylight Savings Time. 

For example, the start of Spring in 2008 is March 20 at 05:58 GMT which is 0:58 CDST or 12:58 AM CDST


Season Definitions:
Vernal Equinox = Start of Spring
Autumnal Equinox = Start of Autumn or Fall
Winter Solstice = Start of Winter
Summer Solstice = Start of Summer

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Applied Climate Science
School of Natural Resources