Lake McConaughy Water Level Continues to Improve - October 13, 2008

Lake McConaughy 
October 13, 2008: Eastern edge of Lake McConaughy at Kingsley Dam.
Image © Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Sciences, School of Natural Resources, UNL

Lake McConaughy Statistics, As of October 13, 2008
Oct. 13, 2008
Sept. 13, 2008
Oct. 13, 2007
2006, 2004 Min
Elevation (ASL)
3216.2 feet
3213.6 feet
3207.6 feet
3198.0 feet
Below max elevation
-53.8 feet
-56.4 feet
-62.4 feet
-72.0 feet
% Capacity
Volume *
619,300 af
575,500 af
479,500 af
319,500 af
Amount below capacity
Maximum elevation is 3270 feet above sea level (ASL).
* Volume is in acre feet (af)
Maximum Volume (storage) is 1,900,600 acre feet (af)
The amount of water stored in Lake McConaughy dropped to a record low elevation of 3198.0 feet (ASL) in 2004 and again in 2006.  Since that time, there continues to be a slight improvement each year in the amount of water stored in the reservoir.  As noted in the above table, the reservoir has increased from 27.5% of capacity to 35.5% of capacity in the past 12 months.  This is an increase of over 139,000 acre feet since last year at this time.  The elevation of Lake McConaughy is currently at 3116.2 feet ASL, 8.6 feet higher than 12 months ago and 18.2 feet higher than the minimum elevation reached in 2004 and 2006.


October 13, 2008: Eastern edge of Lake McConaughy at Kingsley Dam.
Image © Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Sciences, School of Natural Resources, UNL